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Learn Self-Hypnosis – audio mp3

Learn Self-Hypnosis – audio mp3


Experience how self-hypnosis can help you make positive changes in your life. Use a notebook when listening to this CD to create your own hypnotic suggestions to improve your life. CD created by Jackie Hill, clinical hypnotherapist and integrative psychotherapist.

Learn Self-Hypnosis

The aim of this download is to teach you how to use self-hypnosis techniques to affect positive change in your life.

Did you realise that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis? Hypnosis is a totally natural experience we go into several times a day. For example, day dreaming is a natural occurance where we drift into an altered state of awareness. This altered state is known as hypnosis and whilst we are in this altered state that we are at our most creative.

The amazing thing is that because we all go into this natural state instinctively, we all know how to hypnotise ourselves! So consequently, self hypnosis is self-induced. The person makes use of self suggestions to relax and improve areas of their life. You can do this through listening to hypnosis downloads or CDs and also learn how to write your own positive suggestions.

There are numerous reasons why you should learn hypnosis and here are just a few. Not only does hypnosis help you relax and de-stress, it also helps you sleep better. Hypnosis helps with anxiety management and anger management. Also it is good for healing and pain management. Stopping smoking and weight loss are more effective when using hypnosis. Hypnosis also helps when dealing with addictions. In addition, rehearsing difficult situations through hypnosis can help you deal with the reality when it occurs.

Self-hypnosis is also helpful in setting and achieving goals. Furthermore, hypnosis facilitates learning making studying easier. Consequently, hypnosis can help change almost any behaviour.

Download length 30 Minutes.

Also available as a CD – Available here


Image courtesy

sunset (c) Jackie Hill


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