+44 7426088501
Stowmarket, Suffolk

Releasing Negative Emotions CD

Releasing Negative Emotions CD


This CD is created by Jackie Hill, qualified clinical hypnotherapist and integrative psychotherapist. It is aimed to help you understand the positive intention behind your emotions, enabling you to let go and feel free of negativity. Full of positive hypnosis suggestions set to a background of delta and isochronic brainwave tones.


Releasing Negative Emotions

Find it easier to release negative emotions by listening to this CD created by Jackie Hill.

Often life can be challenging and there are times you can feel overwhelmed with negative feelings.  Sometimes it feels like negativity is all around us, from circumstances, people, and life generally. Even our loved ones and those closest to us can present us with feelings of disappointment or frustration. There is no doubt negativity can drag us down and sometimes it feels just too hard to shake off.

Emotions such as anger, guilt, fear, worry, hurt and rejection are just a few examples of the feelings we need to release safely before they get too strong. If we don’t we will only end up storing them up causing us more pain and unhappiness. All emotions, positive and negative, are feedback to us, and consequently they serve an important function. Negative emotions show us that there is something we can learn about ourselves. They may also provide us with much needed motivation to move away from something that is not good for us. If we decide to take up the personal challenge to understand the underlying intention behind the emotion we can then channel and transform that negative energy towards a positive outcome.

Positive and negative emotions are part of life. We have to have both. For example if you were happy all the time you would probably not notice when things are wrong. The key is balance. Balancing and integrating all emotion enables us to grow and become a better person.

Hypnosis to release negativity

Releasing Negative Emotions CD will help you achieve a deep state of hypnosis with delta and isochronic binaural tones so that you can deeply relax and achieve clarity in your thoughts. In doing so you will find it easier to understand the underlying good intention behind your negative emotions. The guided suggestions will also enable you to transform negative energy into a force for positive change.

CD length 50 minutes.

Also available as a download – Available here


Image courtesy

Sunset over lake (c) Jackie Hill


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