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Overcome Fear of Failure – And Reach for the Goals Ahead CD

Overcome Fear of Failure – And Reach for the Goals Ahead CD


This CD  is created by Jackie Hill will enable you embrace failure rather than fear it. Failure can open the door to new insights about what doesn’t work  that you would not otherwise realise. Embracing lessons from the past enable you to set goals and succeed in the future.

2 in stock

Overcome Failure

Overcome failure by embracing it rather than fearing it.This CD tackles fear at deep level in your subconscious allowing you to learn & grow from mistakes.

We have all experienced the feeling of fear at some point in our lives. The fear of failure is one of the most common and most damaging fears that we can experience. If we allow it, it can prevent us from achieving success and stop us living happy, fulfilling lives. Fear of failure is extremely common and is rooted deep in your unconscious mind. It blocks you from being successful in achieving your goals, often without you realising it.

However, if we look at things from a different perspective, the emotion of fear can be a positive feedback to us.   Without failure we would not learn what doesn’t work for us. If we learn to embrace failure rather than fear it, we can tap into knowledge that we wouldn’t otherwise realise. Failure can then be viewed as a learning experience. Consequently, learning from the past is critical to building a better future for yourself.

This hypnosis recording tackles the fear at a deep level in your subconscious.  You will start to feel more positively about your skills and abilities. Furthermore you will think more optimistically about your future and your ability to succeed. You will gain a mind-set that will enable you to overcome fear and succeed in achieving your goals.

For UK deliveries, postage is included in the price.

Also available as a download – Available here

Image courtesy

Mountains (c) Jackie Hill


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