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Follow your Bliss – audio mp3

Follow your Bliss – audio mp3


This hypnosis download is created by Jackie Hill, clinical hypnotherapist and integrative psychotherapist. In listening to this recording you will be helped to identify what you most love in life. It will enable you to easily set goals that can set you on the road to make positive changes. The recording also includes a written exercise, plus a guided visualization meditation to help you follow your bliss.

Follow Your Bliss

Follow your Bliss hypnosis download includes background music and binaural beat technology, isochronic and encoded alpha, theta and delta brainwave entrainment. Consequently you will experience a deep sense of relaxation and inner awareness.

“Follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.”  ~Joseph Campbell

Is your life full of joy, happiness and fun? Your work, your relationships, your attitude?

Emotions are key cogs in the wheel of communication that links our mind, body and soul, so that they integrate and come together in harmony. Your emotions are more than just ‘feelings’. For they tell you so much about what is right or wrong about the life you lead. And because of this your emotions if listened to correctly can be extremely useful in helping you navigate your life journey and follow your bliss. They can gently guide you to live a fulfilling and satisfying life. In addition, your emotions can give you a sense of purpose. Giving your life meaning and having a positive impact on others and in the world you live in.

In short, your emotions give you valuable feedback and can help us determine whether you are following your bliss.

Download length 45 Minutes.

 Also available as a CD – Available here
Image courtesy

Tranquility (c) Jackie Hill


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