+44 7426088501
Stowmarket, Suffolk

Being in the Present Moment – audio recording

Being in the Present Moment – audio recording



A hypnotic download created by Jackie Hill clinical hypnotherapist and integrative psychotherapist. Aimed to help you become aware of the here and now, being present in the moment. Learn how to get off the merry go round and just be. Benefit from slowing down, being more focussed and self-aware.


Being in the Present Moment

Information constantly bombards our senses. Noise, distractions, phones, advertising, people, music and so on continue to influence and trigger our thoughts. It is becoming more and more difficult to relax and appreciate being in the present moment. We live busy lives that time seems to pass quickly without our even noticing it. In addition we are taught to think about our appearance; worrying about what to wear, what to eat, what to buy. We fear the future by worrying about debt, world events, work, relationships focusing usually on what could go wrong.  Many people live through the day with their thoughts about what has happened in the past, be it yesterday, weeks ago or even way back in the past in their childhood.

This audio download will help you master how to relax and live in the moment. Your attitude and actions will move in a more positive direction as a result of letting go of thinking about the past or worrying about the future. Self-awareness opens the door to understanding your feelings and your behaviour. As a result life will become happier as you view things in a different  way. Furthermore others will notice the change in you as you live in the here and now. 30 minutes.

Also available as a CD – Available here


Image courtesy

Water Lily © Zhanghaobeibei, Dreamstime Stock Photos


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