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Power of Love: 21 Ways to Attract the Ideal Partner

Power of Love: 21 Ways to Attract the Ideal Partner


First in a series of books on the Power of Love written by Jackie Hill, 21 Winning Ways to Attract Your Ideal Partner explains why you are subconsciously attracted to specific people, and offers solutions as to how you can attract the right person into your life.

A must read for all who are seeking that perfect partner!

Power of Love: 21 Winning Ways to Attract Ideal Partner

First in a series of books called the Power of Love. This eBook begins with attraction and how to attract ideal partner into your life.

Perhaps you’re someone who consistently attracts the ‘wrong’ sort of partner in your life. Maybe you’re someone who has experienced failed relationship after relationship.  Let’s face it – it’s just not easy to find the ideal match. But don’t give up for hope lies ahead!

The 21 Winning Ways to Attract Your Ideal Partner eBook explains what triggers attraction and why you are subconsciously attracted to specific people. Often these ‘attractions’ can seem out of your control and in some cases not good for your own emotional growth. So it is important to learn how to attract the ‘ideal’ person into your life so you don’t keep repeating past mistakes.

How do you do this?

First of all you need to become more self-aware. This eBook examines what emotional needs lie underneath attraction and offers solutions as to how you can deal with these needs.  As a result you will become more conscious of your own needs (and wants). You will also learn how you can set about resolving them yourself from your own inner resources. Consequently, you will find healing from old wounds and un-resolved issues many going back to early childhood. Freedom from this toxic baggage enables you to be your own person. No longer looking for the answer in other people who more often than not are unable to provide what you really need

Find out how to attract the right person into your life. Through examining your belief pattern and accessing your inner guidance. Jackie sets things out in a simple and easy to read way. Helping you find clarity about what qualities you want in a partner. Furthermore, she offers you simple tools so that you can create the right energy to attract the right person to you.


Also available in paperback – Available here




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