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Stowmarket, Suffolk

Manage Christmas Stress CD

Manage Christmas Stress CD


Dreading Christmas? Whatever the reason, whether it’s present buying, family get-togethers, financial – this CD will help you feel in control over the Christmas season! Created by Jackie Hill.

1 in stock

Manage Christmas Stress

Christmas – meant to be a time go joy, peace and goodwill! However, for parents it can be a time of worry and anxiety. For many people Christmas stress caused by tradition and expectations from others can feel too overwhelming.  They end up dreading the festive season of family gatherings, parties and present buying. Therefore Christmas can often be a time of too much stress.

This hypnosis CD will help you get things in perspective. With guidance and the help of your imagination you will learn how to rehearse managing specific festive events going the way you want them to go. It will enable you to cope with the differing emotions this festive season brings in a relaxed and calm manner. So the time when Christmas actually arrive you can enjoy Christmas without feeling burdened.

CD length 30 minutes

Postage is included in the price for UK deliveries only.

Also available as a download – Available here



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